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La Rosée cosmétiques

A committed solar range

The formulation of sun care products: a real challenge for the oceans

In recent years, we have almost given up on creating a sun care range because, despite our research, we couldn’t find the ideal formula without sacrificing the skin protection or the preservation of the oceans.

Aux côtés de The Coral Planters, La Rosée participe à la sauvegarde et à la plantation de coraux aux Maldives

A solution that effectively protects skin while being more respectful of the marine ecosystem

Based on this observation, it was simply unthinkable to create solar products that could have a harmful effect on our environment.

We were determined to create a range that would not only be effective, but also truly respectful of the oceans. After new research, multiple trials and some failures, we finally found the solution!

A natural formula base...

The ingredients were scrupulously selected for their effectiveness

  • There are no controversial ingredients. We can find a 100% natural, non-photosensitizing fragrance.
  • We chose organic apricot oil as the main active ingredient in the range. It nourishes the skin and allows for a luminous tan.

... and new-generation organic filters, more respectful of the oceans

Our sun filters represent a strong choice for us.

Until now, there have been two different types of filters. We banned them because none satisfied us, and for good reason:

  • Mineral (natural) filters, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, reflect UV rays on the skin's surface. They are now both considered nanoparticles and therefore toxic to the body as they can not be eliminated. As for the ocean, the conclusion was not convincing either because, in addition to bleaching corals and causing their death, mineral filters are toxic to phytoplankton, the base of the marine food chain.
  • Classic organic (chemical) filters are composed of chemical molecules that absorb UV rays instead of the skin. Some are known to be endocrine disruptors which are bad for the body. Others bleach corals and cause their death.

We embarked on research around 3 important factors

  • High water resistance to limit the dispersion of products in the ocean. A film-forming agent was added to maximize residuals on the skin and maximize water resistance.
  • Facilitated biodegradability: so that any small amount that disperses in the ocean dissolves and does not remain suspended. We selected biodegradable, non-persistent filters that do not bioaccumulate in the environment. (Biodegradability tests were carried out according to the OECD 301F guideline).
  • Broad UVA/UVB spectrum to ensure maximum skin protection.

Then we conducted strict and exhaustive tests to verify the non-toxicity on marine biodiversity

We obtained very good results on tests for impact on coral viability and inhibition of marine algae growth.

Even in very large quantities, our products have no significant negative effect on algae growth or coral bleaching.

Learn more about our tests

La protection solaire sans compromis !

Les solaires La Rosée : une base de formule naturelle + des filtres organiques nouvelle génération.

La Rosée s'engage aux côtés de The Coral Planters !

Pour lutter contre la disparition des récifs coralliens, nous nous engageons aux côtés de The Coral Planters.

En 2022, nous avons contribué à planter plus de 4000 coraux, soit 100 récifs entiers.

En 2022, La Rosée a contribué à planter plus de 4000 coraux avec The Coral Planters

Les solaires La Rosée vous protègent efficacement.

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus !