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La Rosée cosmétiques

Sun care products: our strict tests on marine biodiversity

Today, our oceans are in grave danger from several factors:

  • Climate change
  • Overfishing
  • Plastic pollution
  • The presence of chemicals, especially sunscreen filters.

Why does sun care product formulation matter for our oceans?

UV filters in sun care products directly impact ocean biodiversity

  • After 20 minutes of swimming: 25% of sunscreen dissolves in the sea.
  • Between 16,000 to 25,000 tons of sunscreen are used annually.
  • Coral reefs absorb 4,000 to 6,000 tons of sunscreen annually.

The destruction of the seafloor threatens the life of ecosystems and the entire food chain that depends on them

The health of coral reefs is crucial for marine biodiversity. Reefs alone are home to 25% of ocean life.

However, 20% of the reefs and associated ecosystems have already been irreversibly destroyed. According to the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, 80% of the remaining 30% are still in a healthy state.

We must take action!

Les filtres UV des produits solaires impactent directement la biodiversité des océans.

Strict tests to verify the non-toxicity of our sun care products

Which tests did we choose?

Given these stakes, we knew we must thoroughly test our sun care products to ensure they are non-toxic for the marine environment. We performed in-depth examinations on sea anemone cells, which belong to the Cnidaria family (corals), and on algae, which form the base of the oceanic food chain.

Coral cytotoxicity test

This test compares the toxicity of our organic filters to natural mineral filters: titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO), on cnidarian cell cultures (the coral family).

It was conducted by the marine biology laboratory of the University of Nice and the IRCAN (research center).

Résultats du test de cytotoxicité sur les coraux des solaires La Rosée


Our new generation of organic filters showed no significant effect on cell viability after 7 days of incubation.

With 99.5% of healthy cells, our organic filters are considered non-toxic.

This test allowed us to choose between synthetic organic filters and natural mineral filters, which can be toxic to coral.

Coral cytotoxicity test

This test compares the toxicity of our organic filters to natural mineral filters: titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO), on cnidarian cell cultures (the coral family).

It was conducted by the marine biology laboratory of the University of Nice and the IRCAN (research center).


After 72 hours of tests, our sun care products proved "non-ecotoxic" for marine algae growth!

Biodegradable formulas

In addition to cytotoxicity tests, we verified the biodegradability of our formulas in the marine environment. All our sun care products passed marine biodegradability tests according to the OECD 301F standard, with the mention "readily biodegradable." This ensures that the small amount that might disperse into the ocean decomposes easily and quickly! Our filters are therefore non-persistent and do not bioaccumulate in the environment.

Our sun care products

Formulated with new-generation organic sun filters that do not represent any significant impact on marine ecosystems.

Our sun care range provides effective protection against the harmful effects of the sun for a luminous, long-lasting tan while being ocean-friendly: learn more!